The University of Pretoria is also referred to as Tuks, Tukkies or UP. This university was founded in 1908 and has grown from 32 students initially to approximately 39 000 students. The university is situated in Pretoria. The university also has its own radio station (Tuks FM) which is run from the university’s student centre. The university has a mascot called Oom Gert. This mascot was made official in 1929 and many have made attempted kidnappings on the mascot.

The University of Johannesburg is also referred to as UJ. This university is the result of a merger between RAU (Rand Afrikaans University) and TWR (Technikon Witwatersrand). UJ was established in 2005 and has approximately 48 000 students. The university is still incorrectly referred to as RAU by many people. The hoopoe is the official mascot for the UJ Sports Bureau. There is an island in the Vaal river which is owned by UJ. It is formerly been known as Rau Island.
The University of the Witwatersrand is also referred to as Wits. Wits was founded in 1896. It is based in Johannesburg. There are approximately 28 000 students enrolled at Wits. This university was originally founded in Kimberley as the South African school of mines. Only 8 years later was it moved to Johannesburg. The university is rich in culture, art, museums and heritage.

The University of South Africa is also referred to as UNISA. This university was founded in 1873. It is based in Pretoria. There are approximately 330 000 students locally and internationally. It is one of the world’s mega universities. This is the largest university in Africa and one third of tertiary education students study at UNISA. This university is an open distance learning institution. This means that students have support from the university but there are no formal lectures offered.