
About profgrad

everybody has the right to information.

This website provides each individual with information that can be of benefit. It is designed for people with tertiary education, people who would like to go to tertiary education institutions and young scholars who have yet to make up their minds as to what they would like to do with their future.

In the past, not all South Africans have had equal opportunities available to them. There are many reasons for this but even up until recently, there are many South Africans who are still disadvantaged with information. In a world where information is everything; this website strives to reach everybody in the country to inform them of what they could do with their lives..


An informative website which appeals to the community of all South Africans, to provide information so each individual can chose their own future.


By Reaching each and every young South African, no matter the background, enabling each individual to have the power to discover opportunities available to them.